The novel is longevity narrative fiction written in prose. A special branch of novel literature, like poems, dramas and short stories. It is a relatively new form in modern literature. The novel he wrote is novelist.
There are no specific rules or structures for writing a novel. However, these are usually larger than short stories. Apart from this, the narrative and character of the novel is spread. The short length novel is called novel. In the novel environment, description, outline, character, dialogue, etc., when the story of man's life is beautiful and self-centered, any meaning or commentary of life is expressed in it. This implementation of life appears to be real to the reader by the novel. There is a tradition of novel writing by adopting material from drama, rajabali (poetry), poetry etc. In fact, the novel form is very flexible and mixed. So its various variations are seen.
Among the various branches of literature, the novel is the most modern and most popular section. The first modern novel was composed in 18th-century England. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the first novel was introduced in Bangla. Daniel Defoe in English and Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, the first successful form of the novel in Bengali language. Since then, different and wide-ranging expansions of this trend have been observed in different countries.
There are no specific rules or structures for writing a novel. However, these are usually larger than short stories. Apart from this, the narrative and character of the novel is spread. The short length novel is called novel. In the novel environment, description, outline, character, dialogue, etc., when the story of man's life is beautiful and self-centered, any meaning or commentary of life is expressed in it. This implementation of life appears to be real to the reader by the novel. There is a tradition of novel writing by adopting material from drama, rajabali (poetry), poetry etc. In fact, the novel form is very flexible and mixed. So its various variations are seen.
Among the various branches of literature, the novel is the most modern and most popular section. The first modern novel was composed in 18th-century England. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the first novel was introduced in Bangla. Daniel Defoe in English and Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, the first successful form of the novel in Bengali language. Since then, different and wide-ranging expansions of this trend have been observed in different countries.
Definition of the novel : The novel is a prominent art of modern times. Literally, the novel literally means to set it in a proper or special form. That is, the novel is the special technique, method, or custom of describing an element in story form. The word 'novel' is derived from the word 'novel': The meaning of the novel is: a fictitious prose narrative or tale presenting the real life of the men and women portrayed. That is, the novel is a story written in prose that reflects the reality of human life.
Through the interpretation of the etymological and lexical meaning, the novel that is written in prose with special arrangements to make the imaginary episodes interesting to the reader, using the reality of human life. Since the main theme of the novel is the life of a man, the story of the novel is analytical, long and exhaustive.
The origins of the novel : The earliest of the people interested in listening to stories The origin of the story is due to the interest of people since prehistoric times. Then, as a symbol of natural energy, the story of the story of the gods and goddesses, priests, clerics and kings of the kings became the subject of the story. The use of leakage specimens and the discovery of printing machines has passed many centuries. In those days, the authority of human society was established in all the emperors, priests and landlords. As a result, the stories of gods and kings are being recorded in rhythm and ornamental language. In such a way, the creation of poetry, epic and play
'The story of everyday life in the language of poetry is written in a particular period of history. Though written in the face, stories such as fairytale, fairytale, fairytale, and the story of a generation were recorded in prose but people and human life could not be the main subject of those stories. Because still people's rights in the society were not recognized, not developed, its personality; As a result, the way in which the person's dominance in the story was impossible was also impossible. When Europe began to develop commercial capital, gradual medieval thought and meditation continued to end. In the fourteenth-16th century, the European Renaissance or Renaissance was established in society, in the society, the study of knowledge and liberty, science and rationality, ecstaticism and humanism. In the order that became part of the educated society's conscious life. When secularism was established by separating religion from the state through the Renaissance, the progress of science and philosophy became unbounded. In the same context, when the development of trade capital begins to rise, the importance of the merchant class increases in society and the social benefits of the king, feudal-landlords and priests continue to dwindle. In view of this, people became self-reliant, right-conscious, and avowed of establishing the soul by avoiding fate-dependence. Thus, the French Revolution of 1789, the eradication of monarchy and the achievement of American independence, opened the way for the establishment of human rights and democracy. In terms of society, important person and person's life became the main subject of literature. In this way, the formation and development of the person's rights and social change originated in the novel.
Of course, in the previous few centuries, there have been many stories written in different countries of the world, with the deep faith of the person's life, his experience, his happiness, sorrow, heartburn, dreams and dreams, his hopes and hopes. A significant example of this is 'Alif Laila wa Lailan', 'Dekameron', 'Don Quixjot' etc.
The nineteenth century is very important for novel writing. It has been written at this time that some of the best novels in the world are written. For example, 'Scarlet and Black' of Stundal's 'Scarlet and Black', Emil Jolar's 'The Jurminal', 'Henry Fielding's Tom Jones', Charles Dickens 'A Tail of Two Cities', 'War and Peace' of Russia's Leo Tolte, Crime of Fior Dastyevsky And punishments' etc. In this great novel, the novel art has reached the top level of development, connecting the reader's mind with the greater world and life.
'The story of everyday life in the language of poetry is written in a particular period of history. Though written in the face, stories such as fairytale, fairytale, fairytale, and the story of a generation were recorded in prose but people and human life could not be the main subject of those stories. Because still people's rights in the society were not recognized, not developed, its personality; As a result, the way in which the person's dominance in the story was impossible was also impossible. When Europe began to develop commercial capital, gradual medieval thought and meditation continued to end. In the fourteenth-16th century, the European Renaissance or Renaissance was established in society, in the society, the study of knowledge and liberty, science and rationality, ecstaticism and humanism. In the order that became part of the educated society's conscious life. When secularism was established by separating religion from the state through the Renaissance, the progress of science and philosophy became unbounded. In the same context, when the development of trade capital begins to rise, the importance of the merchant class increases in society and the social benefits of the king, feudal-landlords and priests continue to dwindle. In view of this, people became self-reliant, right-conscious, and avowed of establishing the soul by avoiding fate-dependence. Thus, the French Revolution of 1789, the eradication of monarchy and the achievement of American independence, opened the way for the establishment of human rights and democracy. In terms of society, important person and person's life became the main subject of literature. In this way, the formation and development of the person's rights and social change originated in the novel.
Of course, in the previous few centuries, there have been many stories written in different countries of the world, with the deep faith of the person's life, his experience, his happiness, sorrow, heartburn, dreams and dreams, his hopes and hopes. A significant example of this is 'Alif Laila wa Lailan', 'Dekameron', 'Don Quixjot' etc.
The nineteenth century is very important for novel writing. It has been written at this time that some of the best novels in the world are written. For example, 'Scarlet and Black' of Stundal's 'Scarlet and Black', Emil Jolar's 'The Jurminal', 'Henry Fielding's Tom Jones', Charles Dickens 'A Tail of Two Cities', 'War and Peace' of Russia's Leo Tolte, Crime of Fior Dastyevsky And punishments' etc. In this great novel, the novel art has reached the top level of development, connecting the reader's mind with the greater world and life.
The structure of the novel : According to the famous English novelist E. M. Forster, the novel should be composed with at least 50 thousand words. Novel is a medium of literature where there is a long way to give a detailed description. Here the author can write his opinion in Pranakhule or can spark off each character, beyond all limits. The novel can be thought of as a great canvas, the author gave space to each section according to his plan. The precise mention of space-time, sharp focus on reality, ability to touch the deep bottom of the human heart-etc. is needed for a novel. The novel analysts talk about six genre on the formation technique of a successful novel.
Plot or narrative : The basis of the novel is a long story. Where events like human happiness and sorrow, laughter, weeping, hopes, dreams and dreams, hatred and love etc. are dominant. The novel plot or narrative is well-planned and well-organized. The plot of events and character in the plot is arranged in such a way that it reflects real life and makes the story interesting, entertaining, and realistic.
Character : Relationship between person and person is created by social relations. The story of this novel is created with the related real events. And, the person's behavior, thinking and actions became the main narrative of the novel. This person is the character or character of the novel. Many people think that the story is primarily in the novel, the role of character is secondary. But in reality, events and character are not mutually indistinguishable, and are inseparably linked to each other. The great novelist created the character in such a way that he became the resident of the knower or known person. As the character of the novel, a writer is reluctant to contradict the people. In a contradictory form of good-evil, good-evil, morality, corruption, a person achieves totality and such people are considered worthy of character.
Dialogue : In the dialogue between the characters of the novel, Because of which the novelists are seeking language to speak the language in terms of space-time. A dialogue with the character of one's own face is very strong and inexhaustible for many years to realize its character. By presenting the facts through the dialogue, the authors may remain uninterrupted and may express the reader's judgments. Dialogue reveals the diverse psychology of character and ensures the reality of the novel.
Environment Description : The story of the novel is real and credible. The novelist envisioned the environment in order to spell the novelty of the country's literal truth. Through the description of the character, the picture of the life of the character is enhanced in the story. This environment is not just a natural scene; The naturalness of the space, the social life, and the overall life of the people. Country-time and the customs of the novels, rituals and rituals were developed in the life of the novel.
Style : The style is the basis of the novel's linguistic formulation. The language is closely related to the life-style of the authors and lifestyles. Desire of any novelist in the description of the novel, attendance, presentation of the background and the inevitable language style of determining the nature of the character. The novel became the novel through the preservation of the subject matter and the language, the whole, correct and successful applicant: the novel style of the novel is undoubtedly the symbol of the strength, distinguishing and specialty of any author. So the identity of the thoughts of thinking is available and it is available.
The author's overall life-philosophy : The revelation of the truth about human life is clear through the novel, so the author's life span. We look for both of them in both a novel and a picture of life and philosophy of life. As a result, the reader can understand any truth about human life when reading a novel. The inevitability of life-giving in the novel is so recognized.
The category of the novel : The novel can be of different types. Sometimes it is story-based, sometimes based on character; Never psychological, ever speech-oriented. On the basis of subject, character, tendency and structural succession, the novel can be divided into various categories.
Social novel
A special class of social novel novels. This class emerged in the nineteenth century. In this century, in the English social novels, the need for social reform was highlighted by the revelations of the injustice, misinformation of society and their criticism. Victorian era female novelist Elizabeth Kleighern was inspired to write novels on the basis of social reform. He highlighted various problems related to his work in Mary Burton (1848) and North and South (1855) novels, including the exploitation of the labor society of England, the exploitation of capitalists, bakery and hunger, and the abuse of women by the adverse conditions. In the novel of the parrot Charles Kingsley (1819-71), the motivation for social reform was very strong. His Alton Lock is a fictional autobiography of a church worker. In this novel, the vicious atmosphere of some areas of London and the class consciousness of the workers has been real and intensified. Eventually Kingsley, not the class struggle, depicted the hero's faith in Christ.
In almost every novel of Charles Dickens, the misdeeds of society are illustrated in awe-inspiring imagination. His own childhood was immersed in extreme poverty and poverty. In his novel Oliver Twist (1838), in the novel of the orphanage, Nicholas Nicholbi (1838-39), the oppression and exploitation in the name of education, in Blake House (185-53), the complexity and slowdown of the law system and the ruthless exploitation of the lawyers' helpless clients And deprivation, Little Dorrit (1855-56) illustrated the ruthless heartlessness and injustice of the government bureaucracy. Through these novels, the author has deep sympathy for the poor.
Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay is the perfect figure of the social novel trend in Bengali. Among his social novels, Orakkania, Bamun's daughter and Palli Samaj are particularly notable. In the novel Aurakkanya (1916), in a novelty, the girl can not get married, because of the social assault and misery of daughter and mother and the daughter of Bamun (1920), the poisonous fruit of Koli-pitha in the novel, the inconsistent and undemocratic pride of the system and the realization of the oppression of the oppressed women on the helpless women. Among the social novels of Sarat Chandra, the Pallisajaj is the greatest. Srikumar Bandyopadhyay said about this novel,
The cruelty, low selfishness and humorous cowardice that has helped us in the field of rituals and social protection, has shown us how much our life is crippled and unable to do - that is why he has shown his finger in his eyes.
Social novel
A special class of social novel novels. This class emerged in the nineteenth century. In this century, in the English social novels, the need for social reform was highlighted by the revelations of the injustice, misinformation of society and their criticism. Victorian era female novelist Elizabeth Kleighern was inspired to write novels on the basis of social reform. He highlighted various problems related to his work in Mary Burton (1848) and North and South (1855) novels, including the exploitation of the labor society of England, the exploitation of capitalists, bakery and hunger, and the abuse of women by the adverse conditions. In the novel of the parrot Charles Kingsley (1819-71), the motivation for social reform was very strong. His Alton Lock is a fictional autobiography of a church worker. In this novel, the vicious atmosphere of some areas of London and the class consciousness of the workers has been real and intensified. Eventually Kingsley, not the class struggle, depicted the hero's faith in Christ.
In almost every novel of Charles Dickens, the misdeeds of society are illustrated in awe-inspiring imagination. His own childhood was immersed in extreme poverty and poverty. In his novel Oliver Twist (1838), in the novel of the orphanage, Nicholas Nicholbi (1838-39), the oppression and exploitation in the name of education, in Blake House (185-53), the complexity and slowdown of the law system and the ruthless exploitation of the lawyers' helpless clients And deprivation, Little Dorrit (1855-56) illustrated the ruthless heartlessness and injustice of the government bureaucracy. Through these novels, the author has deep sympathy for the poor.
Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay is the perfect figure of the social novel trend in Bengali. Among his social novels, Orakkania, Bamun's daughter and Palli Samaj are particularly notable. In the novel Aurakkanya (1916), in a novelty, the girl can not get married, because of the social assault and misery of daughter and mother and the daughter of Bamun (1920), the poisonous fruit of Koli-pitha in the novel, the inconsistent and undemocratic pride of the system and the realization of the oppression of the oppressed women on the helpless women. Among the social novels of Sarat Chandra, the Pallisajaj is the greatest. Srikumar Bandyopadhyay said about this novel,
The cruelty, low selfishness and humorous cowardice that has helped us in the field of rituals and social protection, has shown us how much our life is crippled and unable to do - that is why he has shown his finger in his eyes.
Historical novel : When a novel is written in a historical context or character of national life, it is called a historical novel. In the historical novel, authors can create new things or characters, dynamically and livelier in the story but can not deviate from the historical truth. Bankimchandra's 'Rajsingh', Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay's Dharmapala, Mir Mosharraf Hossain's 'Bidad-Sindhu', is considered as a 'cursed city' historic novel by Satyen Sen. The famous historian novel 'War and Peace', written in Russian language, 'famous' novel 'Genghis Khan' of Vasily Yan.
Psychological novels : The main refuge of the psychoanalytic novel, the tragedy and reaction of psychoanalyst; The novelist's main goal is to uncover the complexity of character. It is also closely observed in social novels and psychological novels. Social psychology can have social turmoil as well, and psychological novels can also have social strife. In the psychoanalytic novel, the story is just, the real purpose is to present the complex aspects of human being through a meaningful analysis. Illustrative examples of psychoanalytic novels, 'Madam Bovari' written by French author Gustav Flavier, 'Crime and Punishment' written by the Russian author Dostoyvski, and 'Rakshinath's' Eyes Bali', 'Chartung', Syed Waliullah's' Chadar Amavasya ',' Kado River Kando 'are published in the world literature.
Political novel : One of the key motivations for social development is political politics, political events, political ideology, and politics-related character. In such a novel, the indication of political uproar, movement, freedom and desire for liberation, huge changes of society and the state became evident. The parable of the political novel is 'Gora' of Rabindranath Tagore, 'Sharad Chandra's demand of the path', the novel 'Trio' by Gopal Haldar - 'Ekada', 'Another Day', 'Ek Din' ', Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay's' Storm and Jharapatya ',' Jagari 'of Sathinath Badri and' Manhik Bandyopadhyayer's 'sign', Shahidullah Kaiser's 'Sangshatkak', Zahir Raihan's 'Another Falgun', Akhtaruzzaman Ilias's 'Pilekothara' Ai ", Ahmad chaphara 'onkara, Savitri Ray's Seasoned rice music', 'Padma-Meghna, etc.
Poetry novel : In this, the writer's life and greedy status became prominent. Rabindranath's last poem is one such novel.
Detective novel : These novels are written about crime and intelligence. Priyannath Mukhopadhyay (1855-1907) Dargaar Office, Bonapulla Panchaprabha, Sarachchandra Government's Detective, Intelligence Story of Ambikacharan Gupta and Adrani of Kathagosha, a notable novel of this class.
Novel novels
These novels are published in the form of letters. Such as Shailajanand Mukhopadhyay (1901-1976) Crunchamithin, Savnya Dulhaan of Buddhadev Guha etc.
Novel novels
These novels are published in the form of letters. Such as Shailajanand Mukhopadhyay (1901-1976) Crunchamithin, Savnya Dulhaan of Buddhadev Guha etc.
Comedy novel : In such a novel, the author creates humorous character by subjecting any inconsistency in human life. Indranath Bandyopadhyay's Kalpataru; Trailokyanath Mukherjee (1847-1919), Kanabati, Fokla Digambar; Chandranath Basu's Pashupati Samad; The class novel of Kedarnath Bandyopadhyay's clan etc.
Autobiographical novel : When the novelist transforms his personal life into many novels, he is called an autobiographical novel, when he turns into a novelty of intense artistry. In such a novel, the author's novelist influences the imagination of his life, with many endangered features. The paradigm of this novel by the unorthodox singer Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyayar, 'Srikanta', 'Bhaibutibhushan Bandyopadhyayer', 'Pather Panchali', 'Aparajit'.
Regional novel : The story or novel mixed with the happiness and sorrow of the particular area and range of particular region and region is therefore known as regional novel. The novels that are written in the region, especially for people and their lives and spatial colors and spatial lifestyle, are called regional novels. The name of Tarashankar Bandyopadhyayar's fable of 'Haksuli Bank', the name of 'Titas A river of Titas' of Advaita Mallavarman,' Shamasuddin Abul Kalam's' Kishban's daughter 'and' Marine land 'are so memorable.
Mystery novel : In the mysteries, the novelist's main focus is to create mysteriousness and keep it up to the novel's data. In this novel the reader is waiting for the uncovering of the mystery. Dainendra Kumar Roy, Hemendra Kumar Roy, Saradindu Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Ray, Niharranjan Gupta, Kazi Anwar Hossain and others wrote many authors in Bengali. Illustration of such novels such as Feluda series, Kiritimi Omnibus, Masud Rana series, Fog series etc.
Metaphor novel : Transforming literature is not an exceptional phenomenon. However, sometimes the novelists give the art of the novel with the help of a special exceptionally convincing statement behind the story structure presented in his writings. This novel is called the metaphor novel. The name of the famous English writer George Aurwell is the novel 'Animal Farm', where animals are not animals and animals. Shawkat Osman played an important role in making metaphorical novels. His 'Slave Smile', 'Samarogam', 'Raja Upanishad', 'Paratang Pejar', a parable of novel novels.
Novel novels in the genre : Current experiments of human minds, past memories and future fantasies flow simultaneously. The novel of the sensation style is written with the annual description of this stream. A famous novel by Irish author James Joyce is Useless. Sathinath Bhaduri's 'Jagari', Syed Waliullah's 'Kado River Kando' is known as the novel of the genre of spirit.
Romance novel : This makes the imagination of the imaginary mind and past glory high. Such novels by Bankim Chandra's Kapalkundala, Mrinalini, Chandrashekhar.
Mythological novel : This novel is based on mythological story. The story is the main theme of such a novel. In this case, Dinesh Sen's Shyamal and Kajjal, Junking and Behula are particularly notable.
Heroic novel : This novel is based on the heroic story. Manindraalal Basu's Ajay Kumar is a classified novel.